Large companies or organizations can now gain exclusive access to discount tickets as a benefit to offer their employees/members. Free sign up will allow individuals within your group to purchase discount tickets on their own as long as they have your Exclusive Code.
- Free sign up and access for companies/organizations of 100+ people
- Exclusive Company Code to access discount tickets at any time
- Discount tickets include OdySea Aquarium, Butterfly Wonderland, Laser + Mirror Maze, UFO Experience, and Ripley's Believe It or Not!
- No minimum or maximum purchase restrictions
- Save now and visit anytime within 1 year
- Perfect for family, friends, and gifts

Want to sign up your company for Boardwalk Perks?
1. Click the “Become a Member” button
2. Your Exclusive Company Code and purchasing instructions will be emailed to you within 2-3 business days once your membership has been approved.
3. Individuals will then create a Username (email address) and use the Company Code to purchase discount tickets